Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Floral Pictorials - Black & White

Hey y'all! So while I was painting on my cute floral yin-yang nails, I decided to snap a few pics in between so I could post a pictorial. It's been a while since I have, so I really wanted to. I hope y'all enjoy! These pictorials are practically the same, the black just has an extra step. So let's start with that one.

Now, keep in mind, there were a lot of polishes used for this mani, each rose took 3 colors on their own (excluding the leaves). So, make sure to grab 3 different shades of pink (light, medium, dark), 3 shades of blue, and 3 shades of purple. To see all the colors I used in my mani, click here.

Step 1: Paint a single black coat of polish (since there will be a lot of roses on it, you don't really need much more than a thin coat).
Step 2: With white polish, create the shapes of the roses, including the leaves (this will make the colors pop better against the black base.
Step 3: After the white polish from the previous step dries, fill in the white roses with the medium shades you have.
Step 4: Take your dark shade of polishes, and start drawing the petals, and inner lines of the roses.
Step 5: Go back through the roses, but this time with your lightest shade of polishes, and start highlighting a few lines in your roses to make them look a little more realistic.
Step 6: *Not Shown* Apply top coat when finished!

Now the white base is practically the just don't have to outline the roses with white polish...that would just be pointless(; I'll still type the directions out though, just in case some of y'all would like it.

Step 1: Paint a single coat of white on your nail (Again, since there will be a lot of roses on the nail, it really doesn't have to be completely opaque).
Step 2: Take your medium shades, and start creating your roses in random places (leave a little room for those leaves as well).
Step 3: Take your dark shade, and start lining the inside of your roses.
Step 4: Take your lightest shades of polish, and start to highlight some lines in your rose.
Step 5: Apply top coat, and you're finished!

Keep in mind y'all that your roses don't have to be perfectly circular, and anything! Mine definitely aren't, and neither are the real ones in nature! Practice makes progress, so don't give up! I hope these have helped y'all! Paint on lovies!

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