Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cherries Pictorial!

Woohoo! Pictorial time y'all! As I promised for my lack of posts this holiday weekend, I will be uploading as many manis, and pictorials as I can fit in this week! Today, I posted my 2 day late #fruity mani for #NailArtMay!

Step 1: Paint a navy blue onto your nail (I used 2 coats of Loaded Lacquer's Paradise Overdose).
Step 2: Create a white tip (the white base will help the colors pop over the dark base color).
Step 3: With a small dotting tool dipped in a white polish, place 2 small dots next to each other for the cherries. With a small nail art brush, paint a small upside down "v" to connect the cherries as their stem, and leaves at the top of the stems. Also, with the small dotting tool, place little white "stars" randomly between the cherries.
Step 4: Color!!! But make sure not to color your stars!
Step 5: I added a small white glare line to my cherries to make them look a little more real. Add top coat, and you're done!

I hope this helped y'all out! Feel free to ask any questions! Don't be scared if you think you won't be able to do this...practice makes progress y'all! You gotta start somewhere! So 1, 2, Paint!

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