Get To Know Me

Let's see...where do I even begin!? How about a few generic facts about myself? My name is w0nderlandbby...oh wait, you want my actual name, huh? Well, Cassie's the name, and nail polish is my game! lol. I have been committed to Corbey for over 2 years now [05.23.12], and still going strong! We have 2 cats who are like my children! Yes, I AM a Crazy Cat Lady! They're just so precious! hehe. We have also recently added a mixed mutt to our family named Honey (her brindle coloring makes her look like swirls of honey!), and we have also taken in my teacup Yorkie from a previous relationship named Chloe (my parents have been keeping her the past few years). I am also a nail everything fanatic! Which is what my blog will mostly consist of (with the random family/pet posts I may provide y'all). Oh, I'm also 23 years young until March 16th comes back around. I was in the Navy for a mere year (2009-2010); honorably, medically discharged before I could finish A-School. I am a very easy going person. Generally, I am overly nice to everyone. But, just like everyone else, I can have a...not so nice side as well. It takes a lot to push my buttons, so don't worry, we're all friends here! So, how about some more polish talk? ;)

Polish Talk

I started really getting into doing my nails around March of 2013? Corbey, and I moved into our first apartment, and I had discovered that I actually owned nail polish! Which was odd, because I always went to get my nails done at a salon. So I tried to paint my own nails after...who knows how long! They were terrible! I had no idea what I was doing! I didn't know a single thing about nail care, or how to even properly apply nail polish. I didn't know I could clean up the edges/cuticles with an angled brush, or anything. It was a mess! And I'm not a huge girly-girl so I also didn't know what colors really went together. I'm pretty sure it looked like I had nails meant for a 6 year old. haha.

So after having kid nails, and being 22 years old, I turned to YouTube for help. I searched how to apply nail polish like a pro, and started watching a million and one videos on techniques. Eventually, I stumbled upon this new and strange video with a title like, "nail art for beginners". I had no idea nail art was such a big thing! So I locked myself in my room, turned the lights down low, and started a YouTube nail art video marathon! Sounds fun right? Oh, it was! I was mesmerized by the beautiful art these ladies were creating on the small canvas that was their nails! I was addicted from then on. And Corbey also enjoyed watching a few videos with me every now, and then(;

So I started to research nail care routines, and nail designs, and products to get started in this magical community I was lucky enough to stumble upon. It was so overwhelming! There was so much info I had no idea even existed! Who knew there was so much that went into nails!? Not me! I'm still learning, and definitely still consider myself an amateur. But I have come a long way in this past year or so, and I hope you join me in my journey through all things nail polish, and nail related!

You're Awesome!

Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me, and my polish talk! If you have any questions/comments, please do not hesitate to contact me! I think my phone is an extension of my hand, so I should be able to get back to you promptly(; Also, here's a few pictures of me, and my family for you to enjoy!

Me, and my amazing man for our 1 year anniversary 05.23.13
Summer 2014
Winter 2013

My beautiful calico baby!
Mama's beautiful blue eyed beauty!
When we got our Honey Bun!
Chloe baby!
So majestic!
She used to be so tiny!!!
Sweet baby!
She's like a parrot!
My little adventurer!
Doby the Elf eared baby! hahahah!
My number 1 snuggler!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family! Love your bio,and blog..keep,up,the good work
