Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Walking Dead Trio by Cinema Swatch Lacquers!

Let's Catch Up A Bit!

Hey y'all! I know it's been a LONG while since I have actually written on my blog here, and for that I apologize! Life just kept getting in the way! First it was one of my dogs that had chewed our phone jack out of the wall, so we didn't have internet for like a week until someone could come fix it! Then it was that my internet was just sooo slow! AND THEN I got a job, and have been working A LOT this month! Phew! Just one thing after the other! And now that I have a job, I have to balance out time to do my nails, time for work, time for my FOUR (yes 4 animals!), and time for my wonderful boyfriend! Eating, sleeping, and working out aren't even in my priorities anymore! >_< So I hope y'all can bear with me until I get used to actually being busy! But let's jump into my review for this AMAZING collection by Cinema Swatch Lacquers!

The Walking Dead Trio!

Let me start off by saying I got extremely lucky to be chosen as a new nail artist/swatcher lady for CSL! I love their polishes (not to mention their adorable bottles!), and was so excited to start off my new nail relationship with The Walking Dead Trio! I am a HUGE fan of the show, and have been since the first season! So this was just absolutely perfect for me!

Left - Right
Ricktatorship/Katanas & Hugs/Last Man Standing
 Just how adorable are these dang bottles!? I LOVE THEM!
Left - Right
Ricktatorship/Katanas & Hugs/Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing

Ok, so I don't know about y'all, but as soon as I got this polish, I just knew that I had to do a Daryl Dixon inspired mani with it. Because let's be real y'all...IF there's only going to be ONE man left standing, it's so gonna be Daryl! And if it's not...then the entire world will be overcome with rage! You hear that AMC!? If Daryl dies, WE WILL RAGE!

Last Man Standing is this gorgeous "deep blood-like red/black jelly with orange, red, and silver micro glitters". I had such a fun time working with this polish. It was very easy to work with, and went on the nail nicely. And it definitely pictured beautifully in my light box(:

This picture is what inspired my mani! Isn't he just...YUM! ;P
Yep, that is Daryl's middle finger on my ring finger!
After posting this pic, and such, I started to think that maybe I should've put Daryl's middle finger on MY middle finger instead of my ring...oh well! I still loved the outcome!
And of course with a matte TC!


How cute is the name for this polish!? "Ricktatorship"...I love that! Because it kind of is a Ricktatorship in the show. But we all know that wasn't necessarily by his own choice. He's just a great leader, and a total badass when he needs to be. I knew that I needed to, somehow, incorporate Rick's Sheriff badge in my mani, and though it WAS tough, I prevailed!

Ricktatorship is a "bronze glitter polish with flecks of red, and antique gold".

My inspiration!
Obviously not as great as the inspiration, but a 7 pointed star is hard y'all!!!
I included a tape mani nail just because I thought it would look really pretty with this polish. Hehe.
I can never resist seeing all of my manis with a matte TC! ;P

Katanas & Hugs


Who else is upset that Michonne doesn't have her katana anymore!? I know I am!!! She was a one woman army with that thing! And seeing her with a gun is just strange to me! I am hoping she finds another one, or somehow magically gets hers back! Lol.

Katanas & Hugs is a "silver chrome base with an array of ruby, and fire red holo glitters".

My inspiration!
The Holy Trinity accent nail from Michonne's katana!
I've already explained myself for all the matte TC pics. Hehe.

All In All

I am so blown away by this entire collection! Every polish was wonderful to work with, and is just absolutely beautiful. I think they really capture the characters, and the show well. If you have the chance to get your hands on this entire collection, or even just part of it, consider yourself one lucky duck! I don't have one bad thing to say about these polishes! Cinema Swatch Lacquers has outdone themselves!

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