Thursday, July 31, 2014

@BornPrettyStore Water Decals

This Photo Was Taken From BornPrettyStore.Com
Product #15072 C066

Ok, let me start off by saying that I love how adorable all of these flower decals are! I was super stoked when I received them in the mail. But applying them was a whole different story! Amateur hour over here, ladies! Haha.

I think that these decals are amazing...for the most part. I'm not sure if it's because I have never used any water decals before for my nails, or what, but I had the most difficult time ever getting these on my nails! It took forever, and for just the few roses I have on my nails, I think I used up like the entire 4th line of roses trying to get my nails how they are! Which makes me sad, because these red roses are to die for cute! But again, I chalk it up to inexperience with this technique. I believe I can get better with a little more practice with the rest of my sheet(: I mean, my nails look so cute with these on, how could I not want to use up the rest in upcoming manis!?

I think the only real problem I have with this sheet of water decals, is that everything is so close together. I would've been ok with less decals, and more room in between the roses for easier access. I think that was my biggest struggle as well. Cutting them up, they get so small sometimes, that it was just almost impossible to manage. But then again...maybe I'm doing it wrong!

I don't think there's really a wrong way to choose how you want to arrange decals on your nails. Hell, it's your nails! Take my thumb for example; The cluster of roses in the middle were one decal I had cut out, and applied just fine. But I also wanted those 2 tiny roses next to it for a kind of symmetry. But let me tell you...cutting out, and trying to make sure they were right side up, and to get them to quit sticking to my tweezers was a pain! But obviously, I was able to manage it, and ended up with a darling mani!


I believe that these water decals are great (aside from the clutter), and I would definitely love to use them in the future. For those times when you want super cute, super detailed nails, but don't have the time or patience to do nail art, water decals are so the way to go! It's just dip, peel, stick, top coat, done. Simple! Well, simple if you know how to work them better than I do. Haha.

If you've never used water decals before, I would suggest still checking BornPrettyStore out. But if it's your first time, maybe looking for a decal sheet that has more space in between so you can cut, and get the hang of it easier. But definitely worth the buy if you ask me!

For 10% OFF at check out, use DISCOUNT CODE: ERTX31

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