Monday, May 19, 2014

1, 2, Freddy's Coming For You...

So, as y'all know, a few weeks ago I created some Freddy Krueger/A Nightmare On Elm Street nail art for a friend who had requested them. She figured, if I could do it on my nails, I could do it to hers. So I did, I went on to paint my nails, and try to perfect this Freddy mani for her, and this is what I came up with...

Which, I fell in love with! I definitely could've done wayyy better on my Elm St. sign, but I had been working on them for so long, that I just gave up. haha. I knew I could do better on it if I was going to paint them again. Which I did for Brittney last Thursday, and this is how they turned out...

So cute! Her signs were definitely better than my original, and I was proud! She wanted these nails really badly, because not only is she a big fan of Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger), she was going to Comic Con in Dallas that upcoming Sunday to actually MEET Robert Englund IN PERSON! She wanted to show him her nails! HOW COOL, RIGHT!? haha. I honestly didn't think too too much about it, though. I figured she wouldn't be the only one with some cool themed nails, right? (Oh, and I also made her a small nail polish ring with Freddy's sweater stripes on it, which you will see pictured when you keep scrolling through.)

Well, she went to Comic Con, and a few hours later I see that I got tagged by her on FB. I figured it was some pics, or something, so I go, and look, and find this...

I'm assuming she meant *show* lol

I was all like, "WWWHHHAAATTT!?!?!?!?!?" I won't lie...I freaked out quite a bit! It was unbelievable! Robert Englund liked my nail art so much, he wanted a fan to return to show his wife!? If that isn't big news, I don't know what is!!!!!!

EVEN BETTER...Brittney is sooo awesome, she got pictures for me!!!!!!!!

Yes, I tagged the picture out the ass, but I didn't want someone else to try to steal my amazing news! lol. Paranoid much? But yea, so here Brittney is showing off her nails, and that nail polish ring I was telling you about earlier(; And how cool is it that Heather Langenkamp TOOK A PICTURE of MY nail art!? I've been scouring the internet, and social media to see if she has uploaded it. I wish so badly that I could've been there. I want to know what they would've said to me about my art. But since I couldn't be there, Brittney was awesome enough to document this huge accomplishment for me! I am so thankful!!!!!!

All in All

Paint on! Seriously! Do NOT get discouraged if you think you're "not good enough". I've had PLENTY of nail fails the past year I've been doing my nails, and it's only proved to make me a better artist. I've got an entire page dedicated to My Nail Fails to try to help motivate y'all, and to show you that you CAN get better! You just gotta practice loves! Practice makes progress!!!

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