Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mani Monday & Tutorial Tuesday on Wednesday!?

Hey y'all! So I was lucky enough to be able to create my new mani this week, AND get pictures for my pictorial! So....this "turquoise stone" design was my first time to ever use water in one of my manis! It was kinda hard! lol. But I'm pretty ok with the outcome. I know how it all works now, so I will be able to do better next time. Step by step directions below!

@sprinklenails inspired

Step 1: Paint your nail a turquoise-y color.
Step 2: Tape around your nail for easy clean up!
Step 3: Put 1-2 drops of black polish in warm-hot water, and watch it spread out (if it doesn't spread, adjust the temperature of the water).
Step 4: Spray the water with a perfume bottle to get that spotted look.
Step 5: Slowly lower your nail into a spot that you think will look nice.
(Repeat steps 3-5 but with a gold polish if you want the gold accents)

Pretty simple right!? For all the colors I used in this mani, click here. I hope y'all enjoyed this pictorial! Paint on!


  1. Nicely done! I'm going to give this a go soon!


    1. I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you! And I'm sure yours will turn out amazing! You should tag me when you post them(:
