Monday, April 7, 2014

Game of Thrones - Drogo

As some of y'all may know, I am a total Game of Thrones "nerd". Lol. I think that it's one of the best shows ever. Well, my favorite character of the series is, of course, Khaleesi, Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, The Mother of Dragons! She is just a freakin badass! And...she has dragons! Talk about an upper hand. Lol.

So in light of the season 4 premiere I decided to do some GoT inspired nail art. I chose Drogon (Khaleesi's biggest, and most aggressive dragon) as my inspiration. Since I really loved Khal Drogo, and that's who Drogon is named after, I saw it...fitting. 

Unfortunately, since I am in the middle of packing up my and Corbey's things for our move into our new house this week, I do not have a tutorial for this mani. I hope y'all understand! I wasn't even supposed to have time for this mani to even be possible! But I decided to take a (much needed) break and indulge myself in my passion for painting my nails. I hope y'all enjoy it, and don't forget to paint on!

***Colors used for this mani listed here***

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