Sunday, April 27, 2014

My 1.3K Giveaway Prize Package!

Below is a picture of what I've got set aside SO FAR (meaning, I intend on adding a few more goodies) for the winner of my 1.3K Giveaway!!! Underneath the strategically black &  white photo of the goodies, will be a list of the brand names ONLY. The actual name of the colors will be named after one of two things happen: I reach 1.1K or 150 entries. So be sure to get those entries in people!

***Original rules for the contest can be found here***

1 KBShimmer
2 China Glaze
4 Maybelline Color Show Polka Dots
1 Maybelline Color Show
5 LA Colors
1 Hard Candy
1 Revlon
1 Small Models Own Nail Polish Ring (handmade by me!)
1 Large Loaded Lacquer Nail Polish Ring (handmade by me!)
10 Nail Striping Tapes (individually wrapped)

Monday, April 21, 2014

My 1.3K Giveaway!

Hey y'all! So, as you've heard, I am hosting a giveaway! I know that it's usually for 1K, or 1.5K, but I'd like to do things a little differently! I think 1.3K is good enough to give me more amount of time to beef up the awesome prize pack I want to giveaway to one lucky winner! The rules I listed on instrgram will be listed at the end of this post as well.

3 Ways to Enter

So, the first way to enter my giveaway is by reposting the picture below on instagram, tagging me in the caption along with #w0nderlandbbysgiveaway.

The second entry is right here! Why y'all came to read this post in the first place. lol. All you have to do is make sure you are following me on instagram (@w0nderlandbby), and leave a comment on this post stating your instagram user name, and that's it! I WILL be checking if you are following me, so there's no use in lying. If you lie, you will be blocked as well (I don't like liars).

The third entry is to recreate one of my mani's. ANY of the ones listed here. Make sure to tag me, and #w0nderlandbbysgiveaway on your recreation, or it will not count! And we definitely wouldn't want that to happen!

If y'all have any questions, feel free to contact me! Thanks for reading, and entering y'all!

Rules & Guidelines

1. You MUST be following me (on instagram)! If your profile is private, I will NOT be able to see your entry, so make sure it's public if you want to be counted! (ALL unfollowers from here on out will be BLOCKED so their participation in future contests/giveaways will not be allowed).
2. FIRST entry: repost THIS picture, tagging @w0nderlandbby, and using #w0nderlandbbygiveaway. Also, do NOT tag me in the actual photo, just in the caption.
3. 18+ unless you can provide parental consent.
4. US residents only (sorry international ladies, but I'm not entirely sure about nail mail overseas-however, you may provide a US shipping address but I will not be held accountable for lost/damaged goods).
5. SECOND entry into this giveaway, check out my giveaway blog post. More details listed there. Clickable link is in my bio.
6. NO DRAMA! I will not tolerate hate/unnecessary rudeness! This is all in good fun!
7. THIRD entry: recreate ANY mani listed under "My Nail Art" page on my blog. Try to keep to the colors I used in the manis, and a written note stating your intagram username, and #w0nderlandbbysgiveaway is required. On your own nails please (acrylics are fine). Also tag me, and #w0nderlandbbysgiveaway. Again, clickable link to my blog is in my bio.
8. Obviously, this giveaway will end when I reach 1.3K followers (on instagram). I will give numbers out as the days go along, so keep checking back for updates on them. The winner will be chosen by

Have fun darlings!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Loaded Lacquer - The Hula Girl Collection!!!

Hey y'all! So as you know, I've been in the long, stressful process of packing, moving, and unpacking. Well, our first night in our new house was last Thursday, so it's been a week now, and we've been realizing throughout this week that we didn't quite pack up every single thing we owned. What a pain! lol. And to make my move even more difficult, I had received 2 nail mail packages, both from the lovely Heather over at Loaded Lacquer! The first package I received was a big 10 polish haul! My absolutely amazing boyfriend had ordered them as another late birthday present without me knowing! And then 2 more polishes from the awesome giveaway Heather had hosted! So, I had 12 new Loaded Lacquer babies to play around with, but I was stuck moving! UGH! But, in the midst of all the craziness, I was able to at least swatch The Hula Girl Collection! Woohoo! So let's begin my first real review blog post! Enjoy!

First up, we've got my personal favorite from the collection, Tropical Moment.

Taken indoors to see all the flakey beauty

Yes! This IS ONE polish! Here, I used 3 thin coats of the pink & gold flakey goodness on their own with top coat. My accent nails were 2 thin coats over a BLACK base, and it looks like a totally different polish! How could you not love it!? This is my first flakey-packed polish I've ever really owned, or used, and it was super easy to apply! Definitely not chunky like I was worried it might be (only because I didn't know how flakey polishes were). But I am SO pleased with this polish!

Sunlight semi-hid the beautiful flakes
Even though you can't really see the flakey goodness in my classic hand pose above, this polish is stunning in the sunlight! Just pure joy on my fingertips!

Next up, Get Lei'd.

Look closely! Not your every day orange!

Ok, I had a very difficult time trying to capture the blue, and purple micro shimmers this bright orange polish has! It took me 4 thin coats to achieve the opacity I preferred. If you look really closely you can kinda tell, it's no ordinary neon orange polish! This is 3 thin coats with a top coat. Doesn't this just scream, "Summer!"? I gotta work on my tan, though, I bet it would be absolutely fierce with a fresh tan!

Pictured below is Get Lei'd with a glitter gradient of Dashboard Dancing (also apart of The Hula Girl Collection)!

Dashboard Dancing is the perfect name for this blue/purple/green/red glitter bomb! All I can think about is the the ocean, and a little hula girl dancing on my dashboard! Now I want to take a road trip to the beach(; But seriously, this glitter looks beautiful on practically anything! You'll get to see it a little more when you keep reading, so don't stop now! :)

Tiki Torched to me is just so...classy, with a beautiful pink shimmer twist!

Best clear shot I could get of that pink shimmer.
You can REALLY see that pink shimmer when it's blurry!

This is 3 thin coats with a top coat. I had a difficult time trying to capture the pink shimmer this has, but I did it! Well, I'm pretty happy with it, anyway. lol. I've actually been wearing this polish on my Cinderella Hand for over a week now! It's all chipped, because I've been moving a lot of stuff into our new house, and unpacking. That does some damage! But not only did I have this color on my hand, I just had to pair it with...Dashboard Dancing!

I just love it!

See! What did I tell you about this dashing polish!? It looks beautiful on practically anything! Proof my friends! ;P

Last, but certainly not least...Paradise Overdose!

This is a gorgeous polish jam packed full of micro purple/blue/green glitters that only took 2 thin coats to achieve opacity! It was really difficult to capture the beautiful glitters, but I did post a video on my Instagram earlier this week, so be sure to check that out, if you wanna see this baby in action! Below is a blurry picture, but you can see the awesome glitters hidden away.

Eh? Eh? Shinyyy...O_O
You know what I just thought of? This seems like it would make a great base for some galaxy nail art! I think I might run with that epiphany, and create some really soon!

Overall, I am head over heels in love with The Hula Girl Collection! All the polishes were easy to apply! I didn't have to dig for glitters out of Dashboard Dancing, the brushes are all on point, and the product itself is just...magnificent! It is definitely worth spending a couple bucks to get! Heather's shop ( will be reopening around April 20th, 2014. So don't waste ANY time! She has a tendency of selling out quickly!

I hope that these swatches, and "amateur reviews" helped you decide to buy (or not to buy) this collection. I'll tell you this, I personally own 18 Loaded Lacquer babies, and I am in love with ALL of them! Her customer service, and shipping dates are wonderful, and quick, and if you keep track on Instagram (@LoadedLacquer), and Facebook (Loaded Lacquer), you could come across an awesome sale, or discount code!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Moved in!

We are pretty much all moved in now!!! So once we get unpacked and settled, I can start blogging and doing my nails more! Yay! ;) I've got 12 new Loaded Lacquer babies I need to try out, too!!! I can't wait! I hope y'all are excited too!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Game of Thrones - Drogo

As some of y'all may know, I am a total Game of Thrones "nerd". Lol. I think that it's one of the best shows ever. Well, my favorite character of the series is, of course, Khaleesi, Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, The Mother of Dragons! She is just a freakin badass! And...she has dragons! Talk about an upper hand. Lol.

So in light of the season 4 premiere I decided to do some GoT inspired nail art. I chose Drogon (Khaleesi's biggest, and most aggressive dragon) as my inspiration. Since I really loved Khal Drogo, and that's who Drogon is named after, I saw it...fitting. 

Unfortunately, since I am in the middle of packing up my and Corbey's things for our move into our new house this week, I do not have a tutorial for this mani. I hope y'all understand! I wasn't even supposed to have time for this mani to even be possible! But I decided to take a (much needed) break and indulge myself in my passion for painting my nails. I hope y'all enjoy it, and don't forget to paint on!

***Colors used for this mani listed here***

Friday, April 4, 2014

No More Mani Monday/Tutorial Tuesdays!

Ok y'all! So I've decided to take Mani Monday, and Tutorial Tuesdays away! But don't worry! I'm just gonna start posting my manis, and pictorials as I go along! So instead of just 1 mani/pictorial a week, it could be 2, or 3, or even 4! Exciting right!? With that said, let's get into todays mani!

***Colors used listed here.***

Lace with Sheer Polka Dots

This gorgeous lace, and sheer polka dot design was inspired by @BadGirlNails (instagram)! This design has been all the rage! I've seen so many recreations of this lately, so I just had to jump on the band wagon, and try it out for myself! And I am one happy camper! Even though it did take me a nice amount of time to finish, I am very happy with the results! And I hope y'all are too! I would've done a pictorial for the lace nails, but honestly, I kept messing up, and so I stuck with the easy one! lol.

Sheer Polka Dot Pictorial

Step 1: Start off with a base coat to protect your nails from staining (I use OPI Nail Envy before EVERY mani).
Step 2: Create your own sheer black polish (details below!).
Step 3: I painted 2 coats of the black sheer polish I created.
Step 4: Polka dot it up!!!
Step 5: Outline your nail with a small nail art brush, and bam! You're done!

Black Sheer Polish DIY

I had to create my own black sheer polish, since I didn't have my own, and I used the video tutorial that @NailStorming (instagram) had posted! I just so happen to have my own pictorial from when I made my own!

Step 1: Grab a clear base coat (I used Seche Clear...after I cleaned the label on the bottle).
Step 2-3: Start adding a few drops at a time, and testing the darkness on your nails as you go (I started with 5 drops, and it was too light. I ended up using 10-12 drops for half of my Seche Clear).
Step 4: Shake shake shake, and you're done!

I really hope that this has helped y'all out! Comments, and feedback are always appreciated! Oh, and don't forget to paint on! ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mani Monday & Tutorial Tuesday on Wednesday!?

Hey y'all! So I was lucky enough to be able to create my new mani this week, AND get pictures for my pictorial! So....this "turquoise stone" design was my first time to ever use water in one of my manis! It was kinda hard! lol. But I'm pretty ok with the outcome. I know how it all works now, so I will be able to do better next time. Step by step directions below!

@sprinklenails inspired

Step 1: Paint your nail a turquoise-y color.
Step 2: Tape around your nail for easy clean up!
Step 3: Put 1-2 drops of black polish in warm-hot water, and watch it spread out (if it doesn't spread, adjust the temperature of the water).
Step 4: Spray the water with a perfume bottle to get that spotted look.
Step 5: Slowly lower your nail into a spot that you think will look nice.
(Repeat steps 3-5 but with a gold polish if you want the gold accents)

Pretty simple right!? For all the colors I used in this mani, click here. I hope y'all enjoyed this pictorial! Paint on!