Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tutorial Tuesday - Emmalynn

So, I'm not sure how I managed to actually remember to take pictures for my pictorial, but I will tell you that I had totally forgot to when I had started! So I had to clean my nail off, and start over! How frustrating! I gotta get into the groove of doing pictorials on the norm! I think it's really fun to show y'all how I go about creating some of my designs(: I hope y'all enjoy this tutorial of my sad little kitty! lmao.

1. Paint two (2) coats of a pastel pink base color.
2. Start with a wide, curvy "w" for the mouth, and add a diamond for a nose (I started with the mouth, and nose so that I could center the eyes better).
3. Add the cute little whiskers.
4. Add white dots for the eyes on either side of the diamond, and draw little triangles for the ears.
5. Add a black dot inside each eye, and another tiny white dot inside that black dot, and voilĂ !

Pretty simple, right!? I hope y'all enjoyed, and I'd love to see any recreations out there! Paint on!

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