Monday, March 3, 2014

What to Expect

So I've been thinking long, and hard on how I want to keep up with my blog, and I have finally come to the conclusion! At 5 o'clock in the morning when I SHOULD'VE been sleeping in! lol. I want to be able to for sure write a new blog post 3 times a week, at the very least! So here's what I've come up with so far...

Mani Mondays I will post a new mani. Whether it be a swatch, skittlette, nail art design, or whatever, I will post a new mani every single Monday! Well...that's the idea anyway(; Next we have:

Tutorial Tuesdays! Yay! I will have the tutorial on how I achieved my mani from the previous day! How fun right!? They will only be pictorials seeing as I don't have a camera to upload any videos to YouTube (maybe one day).

FANtastic Fridays is something that I've been thinking about for a little bit now. I would like this to eventually take off, and be a fun day for me to post things. My idea behind it is to post any recreations of my manis on Fridays. Yes, YOUR recreation of one of any of my designs could be featured on my blog on Fridays! I think that would be a really fun way for my "fans" to interact with me, and be apart of my blog! Especially since I wouldn't even have a blog if it wasn't for y'all!

Now those are just some basic, general ideas I've come up with this morning. I may add a few days to it to keep my blog even more active. But I think this would be a really good start. I am extremely excited to start sharing, and interacting with y'all! If you have any ideas for the rest of the days of the week I didn't list, or if there's a specific topic you'd like me to cover, then don't be shy! Leave me a comment down below, or contact me! Swear I won't bite(:

Ps. I was thinking about a Tutorial Thursday as well, but instead of the pictorial being on my mani from Mani Monday, I was thinking I could do a tutorial of any of my previous designs that anyone would like me to do. But how am I to know which designs y'all would like a pictorial of? Should there be a specific day for it? Maybe Wednesdays? Thoughts?

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