Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

Hey y'all! So I just turned 23! Pretty exciting stuff! I just wanted to let y'all know what I plan on doing now that I am a year older. Nothing special since Corbey, and I are working on moving this month (fingers crossed), so we've got a lot of money tied into that, and that's what I really want for my birthday...our own place again! haha.
But with the extra money we DO have, I'm hoping to actually purchase a few things to start making nail polish jewelry! Would y'all be interested in them? I'm going to start out with rings, but eventually I want to make necklaces, bracelets, earrings, anklets, you name it! I think that that would be a really fun hobby to go along with my nail art/polish addiction...I mean hobby! Hobby! No one's addicted around here! hehe(; So definitely keep an eye out for those future posts!

Leave me a comment down below on what kind of nail polish jewelry you would be more interested in purchasing, along with a general size. I'm on a mission to find the materials to make all different ring sizes, and eventually I will be looking into different lengths of chains for necklaces. So if you would like to have some input, I would really appreciate it! Thank y'all! I hope you have an awesome, and safe weekend!

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