Friday, February 28, 2014

Battle of the Nail Shapes!

So I have had round nails for as long as I can remember, and for about the past year or so they've been as square as I can manage. I like having a square nail for nail art, bigger canvas. lol. But now, after seeing all these beautiful, and different nail shapes all over social media, I am having an internal battle about my own nails! I mean let's face it, there's so many different ones!

Let's start off with the classic Round shape:
I think that most people wear round nails. They're super simple, and how my nails naturally grow. I don't mind the round shape, I just like something more...stand-outish.

What about Oval nails?
Well, these ones (in my own personal opinion for my personal nails) are just not my cup of tea. They're really just the round nails grown out some. Which looks great on a lot of ladies out there, but I need something...more.

Well how about the oddly named Squoval shape!?
Honestly, I don't see too much of a difference between squoval, and oval nails. I mean, obviously, the corners are more defined, but is it really that big of a difference?

Maybe that's why I love my Square nails:

I feel like my square nails stand out better. Or maybe that's just because they've got nail art on them. I like the definition of the corners. But am I the only one who feels like a square shape makes nail art easier? It definitely doesn't help with the actual full coverage painting job. My nail corners curve, so my nails make an upside down "U" shape. The corners never like to be painted when I'm painting the rest of my nails. I usually have to go back, and make sure there's polish where I want. BUT (and this is a big but) corners break off ALL THE TIME! So frustrating! I always have to be so cautious with what I'm doing, and mind my nails. It's kind of sad, and I know it gets on the boyfriend's nerve. lol. This is the main reason I've been debating on changing my nail shape. To what shape though, you ask?

Just look how classy, and beautiful that looks! And...NO CORNERS! haha. I love how they look like claws! rawr! I've actually already shaped my Cinderella nails into cute little almonds, and I will say is SO different than what I am used to! And I honestly can't decide which I like better! I even asked Corbey what his boyfriendly advice/preference was, and he couldn't even decide! The squares have been here for so long, but the almonds are just so...fierce! Oh! You want to see what my almond nails look like!? My bad...let me show you...

Hello there Cinderella hand! We haven't seen you in a while, and what's this!? Where have your corners gone? Yes! I am experimenting with nail shapes for the first time ever! I was too scared to try these almond beauties on my nail art hand because I've never had almond nails before! Honestly, I am loving them! But still on edge about my squares on my left hand...I would appreciate your comments, and opinions on my possible new permanent nail shape!

To read more about the really cute mani above, just click here!

Texture on Texture!

Well let's get down to the nitty gritty about this fun, funky mani!

Ok, so this is my first time doing a strictly textured mani, and I am in LOVE! The colors I used were both from China Glaze. Bump in the Night is that gorgeous black textured polish, and is from the Monster's Ball Collection, and that pop of bubbly pink texture is named Unrefined. I won Bump in the Night from China Glaze last Oct. (2013), and I recently purchased Unrefined from Arycelle's (@ladiemae21) destash page on Instagram. @ladiemae21salepage

I actually hand painted the dots on my nails, because I learned very quickly that using a dotting tool with only textured polish is extremely difficult to do what you would like it to. lol. So I used a small dotting tool to get a general idea of where I wanted my dots, and then I expanded from there with a small nail art brush, and the textured polishes. I really am loving this simple funky manicure. The textured polish is also one of my favorites. It's just so fun to travel off the beaten path, and have something different on my nails!

I did this mani on both hands (which doesn't happen often) to compare them on my square/almond nails side-by-side. I'm still on the fence about it though. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Nail Care Routine!

Ok, so let me go ahead, and start my blog off with one of my favorite things to do...take care of my nails, and cuticles! I think I'm constantly staring at my nails to make sure they're as I left them earlier that day. I have fairly sensitive skin, so a hangnail for me is like the end of the world (dramatic right?). I honestly can't stand them. But who can? Here will be the products I use daily/weekly to care for my nails. Keep in mind, however, I'm pretty new to having an actual nail care routine. These products I have, I've had for a while strictly because I can't afford new ones until I finish these. But they all work pretty well for me. Any questions, don't hesitate to contact me! I won't bite, promise(; Also, if you would like to let me know what your favorite nail care products are, just leave me a comment down below! Happy reading!

Orly Cuticle Therapy Creme

This is probably one of my favorite products I use. I use this one daily, honestly whenever I have time to just rub some into my cuticles, and fingertips. It leaves my cuticles really soft, and smelling amazing. I've had this 2oz. container for well over a few months, and still have plenty to last me. You don't need a lot of this either. Especially if you only use it once a day.

Nailtiques Cuticle Care Oil

I LOVE this cuticle oil. The rollerball applicator makes it beyond easy to apply to my cuticles. The smell is heavenly, and a little bit of this oil really goes the mile! I use this after, every mani/swatch I do. It absorbs really well so I'm not left with oily fingers, only soft cuticles! I've read about a few other cuticle oils that I would really love to try, but so far, this little 1/3 fl.oz. bottle has been doing its job really well!

Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream

I carry this baby around with me EVERYWHERE! I honestly would like to get a second one so I don't always have to keep remembering to either put it in my purse, or take it out. The lemon smell is so enticing, I have to fight myself not to keep huffing away at my fingers! haha. I use this on-the-go or when I have no polish on my fingers. It does seem to leave my fingers a little greasy for a while, but it works great.

OPI Nail Envy

I swear, Nail Envy is on my fingers 24/7. I use this for every base coat for every mani I do. I started using it at the very beginning of the new year. It's been about 2 months now, and I've noticed that my nails have gotten stronger. I used to not be able to do anything with my long square nails in fear of them breaking. I was so cautious so I could keep my corners! But now, I am a lot more comfortable with the strength of my nails. Even though it hasn't helped completely with my nails peeling, I've seen an improvement.

Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover

I use this every single Sunday. Only once a week to soften up my cuticles so I can push them back. I will rarely actually cut my cuticles off. I used to cut them after I pushed them, but read that that was a no-no. However, I do sometimes still do it for that pesky cuticle that just refuses to stay back. lol. The directions for this says to not leave it on your cuticles for more than a minute, but I'm pretty sure they stay on my fingers for 2-3 minutes. The 15 seconds it's supposed to take for your cuticles to get soft just ins't enough time for my cuticles. 1 minute is more like it. So even though I use this once a week, every time I shower I push my cuticles back just to go that extra mile(;

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dashing Housewife Polish

This is a white shimmer base with silver, bright pink, and turquoise holo glitters.
This was my first crelly polish ever! I was lucky enough to win it in Cheyenne's (@cdbnails143 on IG) cdbdec contest on instagram! I was amazed when I applied this, because it was different than regular creme polishes that I'm used to. I didn't want to paint over the glitters from my first coat! haha. But it turned out wonderful! This was 3 thin coats plus top coat. Oh, and my 420 friendly accent nail!
 Pictured on Cinderella hand doing the @McPolish Hand Pose:


KBShimmer: You Autumn Know
This soft white crelly polish is loaded with fuchsia, gold, and orange glitters. Micro bars accent the fall pallet of this polish.
I love this crelly polish! It just looks like Autumn stuffed in a bottle! The colors are so warm, and inviting, I feel like I can smell the fall leaves in the air! This is 3 thin coats with top coat.
A white crelly polish with neon glitters in pink, and green with black shreds, and dots.
Ooo! I feel like a punk rock princess with this fun crelly! It's so beautiful how all the colors compliment each other, and how that pink just pops right out at you! Watch out! Pictured is 3 thin coats plus top coat.

Polish Me Silly

Color Changing Thermal Nail Polish! When your body is warm, it is a golden yellow color, and when your body is cold, it is a beautiful salmon/coral color.
This is my first thermal polish EVER! And let me tell you, I am one HAPPY camper! Hell, I'm ecstatic! This is the coolest thing since sliced bread! Corbey (bf) wouldn't even let me do the dishes, because I kept playing in the water! *splish*splash* hehe. It's really hard for me to pay attention to anything else with Sizzling Summer on my nails! This is 3 thin coats plus top coat.
 Transitioning while I was sitting on a dock:

Loaded Lacquer

I first discovered indie polishes a few months ago from Instagram. Loaded Lacquer was the first indie brand I was ever able to purchase. And let me tell you, Heather (the beautiful mind behind Loaded Lacquer), is absolutely amazing! Her polishes are stunning! I bought 5 bottles my first time visiting her site! I have 6 total Loaded Lacquer lovlies, but hoping to buy more very soon!

All polish names are linked to their corresponding shop, so if you would like to purchase any of the beautiful polishes pictured, just simply click their name!

My first purchase!

Multi sized matte mint hexagons and dots, metallic gunmetal hexagons, holographic gunmetal hexagons in a clear base to make this metal minty beauty!
This is probably my favorite of my collection! The Glitters are beautiful, and go so well with each other, but the name is just epic! This only took 2 good layers on a black base for the accent nail to achieve opacity. Pictured is with top coat. Stunning!
It even made my nubs look good!
Iridescent orange, green, blue, purple, gold and red hexagons, squares and flakies in a clear base.
This is definitely an amazing glitter bomb! It is jam packed with hypnotizing flakies! My favorite look so far is over a black base. But it works will with so many other colors! This is 1 coat with top coat over a black base.
 Beautiful Macro over a black base:
A haunting duo chrome and micro glitter with multi-sized metallic rose hexagons in a black base.
Do I really have to say much about this gorgeous rosy glitter bomb!? It's jaw-dropping! It only took 2 coats with no color base to become opaque. Pictured is also with top coat.
Multiple shades of gold, and copper hexagons as well as iridescent glitter in a clear base.
GORGEOUS! GORGEOUS! GORGEOUS! Just lose yourself in the gold, and copper party happening in these swatches! It's even shiny with a matte top coat! Say what!? 3 coats to achieve my extreme opacity on my accent nails over a black base. Pictured with top coat.
 Also extremely gorgeous with Essie's Matte About You:
Light blue dots, iridescent hex and square, matte white hex, transparent white hex and blue holographic micro-glitter in an icy blue sheer base.
Pictured over Essie's Rock the Boat as a base, and a cute Santa's Coat accent nail. I experimented with a few different base colors for 40 Below, because the icy blue sheer base would've taken me quite a few coats to get the look I was going for. Rock the Boat won! This is 2 coats of 40 Below over 2 coats of Essie's Rock the Boat with top coat.
Plum, periwinkle, yellow, marigold, cotton candy pink, purple and white hex and squares and holographic sparkle in a clear base.
This glitter topper just screams Easter to me! It's just so...fluffy! How else could you describe this beautiful, light, pastel perfect glitter!? This is 1 coat plus top coat over OPI - You're Such a Budapest, Essie - Mint Candy Apple, Lime Crime - Parfait Day, China Glaze - Lemon Fizz.