Friday, February 28, 2014

Texture on Texture!

Well let's get down to the nitty gritty about this fun, funky mani!

Ok, so this is my first time doing a strictly textured mani, and I am in LOVE! The colors I used were both from China Glaze. Bump in the Night is that gorgeous black textured polish, and is from the Monster's Ball Collection, and that pop of bubbly pink texture is named Unrefined. I won Bump in the Night from China Glaze last Oct. (2013), and I recently purchased Unrefined from Arycelle's (@ladiemae21) destash page on Instagram. @ladiemae21salepage

I actually hand painted the dots on my nails, because I learned very quickly that using a dotting tool with only textured polish is extremely difficult to do what you would like it to. lol. So I used a small dotting tool to get a general idea of where I wanted my dots, and then I expanded from there with a small nail art brush, and the textured polishes. I really am loving this simple funky manicure. The textured polish is also one of my favorites. It's just so fun to travel off the beaten path, and have something different on my nails!

I did this mani on both hands (which doesn't happen often) to compare them on my square/almond nails side-by-side. I'm still on the fence about it though. Any thoughts?

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